Email: herrkemper@aol.com

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Jedes Buch kostet 15 Euro, ausser -Fort Frances in color-, welches 25 Euro kostetinclusive Versand nach Europa.

Fort Frances, getting to know the town, the people and the region. 15 short stories and 28 black and white aerial photos of the town and region
as an ebook Estore
check out cover here

Fort Frances in color, getting to know the town, the people and the region. 15 short stories and 30 color aerial photos of the town and region
as an ebook Estore
check out cover here

Bird on two Sticks
19 views, short stories, an essay, a poem and yes: even a prayer
bei Amazon.de
als ebook Estore
check out cover here

All Bush pilots lie
38 little adventures, flying the Bush in North-West Ontario. In a float plane, I can truly state, I flew with the best !
bei Amazon.de
als ebook: Estore
check out cover here

The long winter
a crime story, even in a small town like Fort Frances, there are the bad, the good and the ugly. Murder in the Sun Set Country
bei Amazon.com
als ebook Estore
check out cover here

in GERMAN, Die Wahrheit liegt in der Salami und weitere Kurzgeschichten
at Amazon
as an ebook Estore
check out cover here
